Monday, 31 March 2014

Ryuko Matoi Makeup Tutorial & Cosplay Update

I'm not the best at makeup, but I wanted to show you how I did my makeup for my Ryuko from Kill La Kill cosplay. It's mostly down to the eye liner, and I used pictures of her eyes for reference when doing this.
I started out with the Neo Sunflower blue lenses from my previous review.
I then did a base of concealer and foundation, topping off with a translucent powder to set it. I use powder mineral foundation from Bare Minerals and Collection pressed powder, but you can use your favourite products. Like I said, it's mostly to do with the eyeliner to achieve the look.
 I mostly used this picture of Ryuko I found on Google images, and paid special attention to the gaps in her lower eyelid where the 2 little lines for her eyelashes are. She also has angular lines at the top and a single line for an eyelash, so I included that too.
I roughly drew in photoshop what you should be aiming for, as my photos aren't the clearest.
As you can see I also darkened my eyebrows (probably a bit too much) with some eyeshadow. This is optional, but if you have light or no eyebrows you can draw them on paying attention to Ryuko's eyebrows. They're pretty thin, and should be drawn to make you look angry. My eyebrows are too thick and dark to do this accurately, but it still works.
 You can see the little wing I did for the eyelash. It's not the neatest, but still looks decent from a distance and in photos.
 I did the other eye, and lined my bottom eyelids inside the eyeliner with a white kohl pencil. This makes your eyes bigger and more anime like.
 I circled in red what you can do next to define the eyes, a line in the crease of your eyelid makes your eyes more cartoony and can also add to the 'angry' look.
It does look strange without the rest of my cosplay, as this isn't what you would call a daily look haha!

 I actually forgot to use mascara for this, but it still looks okay to me. Mascara would work really well, but I probably wouldn't suggest false eyelashes, as Ryuko doesn't have that much in the way of visible lashes.
 Here it is with my wig on!

 And then I decided to have a little photoshoot haha~

 I can't decide whether I prefer to pose goofy or serious when cosplaying her ;o;
 don't lose your waaaaaaaaaaaay!
I've been obsessed with the KLK soundtrack over the past couple of days, I'm so sad the series has ended now D:
Anyway, I hope you liked this tutorial/cosplay update, I might do a video tutorial, but last time I tried makeup on my youtube channel people didn't seem to like it LOL

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Neo Sunflower Blue Circle Lens Review

Hello! It's been a while since my last post, and since I recently ordered some circle lenses for my Ryuko Matoi cosplay, I thought I'd do a review on them!
The lenses I bought were Neo Sunflower Blue and I bought them from Honeycolor. You can see all the Neo Sunflower lenses here. I have also worn the aqua ones in the past and they are so pretty!
I have heard some people have had problems with Honeycolor, but honestly I've been buying lenses from them for the past 3 years and I've never had a problem! I have also heard good things about Uniqso, but I've never ordered from them. I have also ordered from PinkyParadise, but I believe the lenses I bought from there were fakes as they hurt my eyes and looked a little strange. Just my thoughts, now onto the review!
 This is what the lenses look like in their case, they look very pretty!
 And this is what I look like with just one lens in so you can see the difference. My natural eyes are green, and the blue shows up very well on my eyes!
 As you can see they are not that enlarging, they are only 14.2mm, meaning they look a little more natural, and good for cosplay when you don't need your eyes to look too big! This also means they are a little easier to put in, and can be more comfortable for some people, although I never have a problem with larger lenses.
 You can just about see the green of my eye around my pupil, but that isn't noticeable from a distance.
 This is what they look like with both lenses in and no makeup. They aren't the most natural looking lenses, but they will be great for cosplay and will look better with makeup.

 I haven't worn lenses in a while, so it took me a few minutes to get used to wearing them. But after a while I could hardly notice them in my eyes and they were very comfortable!
Lastly, here is a photo with makeup and Ryuko wig! These lenses look fab with my cosplay, I can definitely recommend them! I'll be doing a blog post on my makeup and cosplay soon~
Colour: 5/5
Comfort: 4/5
Enlargement: 2/5 

Sunday, 16 March 2014

The Liebster Award!

I was nominated by Amy for the Liebster award, and since I don't really have anything else to blog about right now, these questions came at a perfect time for me! I've seen a couple of BJD blogs do this too, so it should be fun! Here's the rules:

The steps/rules to complete The Liebster Award:
1.    Thank and mention the person who nominated you.
2.    Answer the 11 questions that you were asked.
3.    Nominate 5-11 blogs.
4.    Create 11 new questions for them to answer.
5.    List these rules in your post.
6.    Lastly, tell the blogs you nominated that they have been nominated for the Liebster Award, linking to your blog post on it so they can learn more about it.

So lets go!

1)    Who/what/ inspires you?
I would say Youtube inspires me the most, I watch craft videos and tutorials all the time and many other crafters give me ideas, I couldn't name just a few xD Sites like pinterest and flickr inspire me too, if I have no ideas or need some inspiration for a project I can usually get something from those sites.

2)    If you could travel to anywhere in time and space where would you go?
I think I'd like to go to the future to see what developments we make, like after I'm gone I'd love to see the technology that we create, or see if aliens take over, or if mutants a la x-men are real etc xD I'd hate to think I'd miss anything awesome after I die D:

3)    Do you play any instruments?
I used to play guitar and keyboard, but I don't have time (or space for a keyboard in my room) anymore. If someone handed me one of those instruments I could probably play a song though, I haven't forgotten much xD

4)    What is your favourite food?
I don't just have one food, more like favourite meals xD Chicken chow mein, noodles in general really, sunday dinner, chicken (and sausages) wrapped in bacon, pasta, spaghetti and meatballs... the list goes on! As you can see, I'm definitely not vegetarian xD

5)    When did you get into crafting?
I've always been arty all my life, I used to make polymer clay charms back when I was 8 or 9, and my mam has been into card making for years, and she got me back into crafting over the past couple of years. I started crafting on youtube after opening my decoden shop and discovered a lot of new crafts because of it!

6)    Any tips to anyone starting the craft you do?
Watch lots of tutorials and be prepared to pay lots for supplies xD 

7)    What do you like about blogging?
I like showing off things I do/buy etc, it's nice to share those things with others, and I also like to write!

8)    Do you collect anything?
Stickers (though I use them in resin) memo papers, business cards from places I buy from, and most recently, Pullip dolls and BJDs

9)    If you could be any character from a movie/book who would you be?
I've always wanted to be some sort of magical girl from anime/manga, the character I first wanted to be was Ichigo from Tokyo Mew Mew xD

10)    What is your best quality?
Probably my hair idk xD I've always liked my hair, except when I was younger (we'll not talk about year 8 haha)

11)   What makes you happy?
Being with my boyfriend, eating, watching youtube videos and anime, and crafting xD

Now for my nominations! (some of you guys aren't crafters so I've made the questions more general!)
Abi from StudioLorien
Jessica from MissMorganxo
Ashley from PaperPastels
And anyone else who wants to answer my questions!

And my questions for you guys:
  1. How did you get into your hobby? (blogging, crafting, youtube etc)
  2. If you could do anything to your hair, even if it's physically impossible, what would you do to it?
  3. If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you bought?
  4. What do you see yourself doing in 10 years time?
  5. If you watch youtube videos, who are your favourite youtubers? If not, your favourite TV shows?
  6. If you could go back in time to your past self, how far back would you go and what would you tell yourself?
  7. What is your most proud moment in life?
  8. What is your favourite time of year?
  9. What is your worst habit?
  10. What super power would you love to have?
  11. What is your favourite thing to do to relax?
It was so hard to think of questions omg xD Feel free to answer them yourself even if I haven't tagged you!

Hope you enjoyed this post, I'll hopefully be doing my first doll faceups when my sealer arrives, so look out for that!

Sunday, 9 March 2014

New Boy in Town - Taeyang Natsume!

I finally got a boyfriend for my Pullip doll!
This is Taeyang Natsume, which I bought from PullipStyle along with a Make It Own Pullip kit, which I plan to make my own custom doll with (blog posts and video will come for it!)

Friday, 7 March 2014

Born Pretty Store Review + Coupon Code

Today I'm reviewing some products from Born Pretty! I have done a previous review for this store on my Youtube, and they contacted me again to see if I'd like to do another one. I was allowed to choose 3 items under $15 for review, so here we go!

 Everything arrived in this bubble envelope, which is fine for shipping, but the items themselves were not wrapped or protected with anything else inside the envelope, which is okay for the eyelashes and cat phone case because it's hard plastic, but the unicorn case is a thinner plastic so I was worried it could have broken in the mail. Everything arrived in perfect condition however! I don't know how long this took to ship to me, since I wasn't told when the package was sent, but usually packages from Hong Kong can take 2-3 weeks or even up to a month.
So this is everything I chose! Here are the links:
Cat Phone Case
Unicorn Phone Case

Full review under the cut!

Monday, 3 March 2014

Making My Polymer Clay Doll

I've been interested in BJDs (ball jointed dolls) for a while now, but have yet to buy one as they are really expensive (my Pullip doesn't count, I'm talking about dolls like these) I've been doing research on how to make my own BJD from clay, and because they look fairly complicated, I decided to start with a simplified version.

 I started by drawing out some designs, as I knew it would be hard to sculpt a figure without a reference. As I drew I looked at other pictures of dolls online for a guide.
This is the final design I went with for my doll.
 I bought a load of beige Super Sculpey from ebay as I needed a lot of skin colour for my dolls. I didn't use a lot for my first one, but if I want to make a bigger BJD I'll need a lot xD
 I didn't take many progress shots or filmed me making her, because I didn't know how she would turn out, or if she would be any good at all. After I managed a good looking head and torso, I was excited to continue. I forgot to do her ears however, although they will be covered by her hair.
 The hands were one of the hardest parts of making her, and at one point I made two left hands by accident! They still don't look perfect and feel kind of fragile, but I like them.
 The feet were also really hard to make. I used a needle tool to define the toes.
 You can see here the set up for her body. For the joints, instead of being ball jointed, I added gold eyepins to each joint, and after baking, opened up the eyepins to attach them together.
 And this is how she turned out! Since she's not ball jointed or strung up with elastic like BJDs, she moves more like a rag doll, and can't hold a pose or sit down or anything. But I still like how she turned out.
 I found that Monster High skirts fit her well, but I can't get the tops to go over her hands. I'll have to try my hand at making her some clothes. I also need to give her a face and hair, but I'll do that in time.
I hope you enjoyed this post, I'll be sure to do others when I give her a faceup, or any updates with making dolls!