Wednesday 22 January 2014

My Cosplays So Far~

I've been watching so much anime recently, and been wanting to cosplay so many characters I thought I'd make a blog post about my cosplays now, so it's not such a ridiculously long post in the future! Then after this all I have to post is cosplay updates hehe~ 

I've only done two cosplays so far, Azusa Nakano from K-On and Mirai Kuriyama from Kyoukai no Kanata. I'm not great at sewing, and I don't have a sewing machine, so my cosplays are all bought, mostly from ebay - that includes wigs too. I generally try to find shoes in local shops, since I prefer to be able to try them on than buy expensive cosplay shoes that might not fit, at least if a costume doesn't fit properly I can alter it. I just spend some time searching through ebay listings for the perfect wig and nice looking cosplay for a good price! My Mirai cosplay was the most expensive so far, but it was custom made and has a lot of parts to it (uniform, skirt, cardigan, glasses) I got the ring for her from TopShop, it was a midi ring that I got in the largest size so it would fit my pinky finger, since finding pinky rings is pretty hard! My Mirai cosplay isn't quite complete yet, I'm still waiting on my coloured lenses (which I buy from Honeycolor) and I need to get some sort of white fabric to make a bandage for her hand. I also need to re-style the wig a bit xD

More photos of my cosplays, and characters who I plan to cosplay under the cut!


 I need to curl the bottom of the wig more, but it's the perfect colour!

 ^ that's the photo you get if you get a 404 error on my blog haha!

I tried making a guitar prop by painting a guitar hero guitar, but I never ended up taking it to the convention I was cosplaying at ><

That's my dad's guitar~

Characters I want to cosplay!
Ryuko from Kill La Kill~
Madoka from Madoka Magica~

Yuno from Mirai Nikki~
As you can tell, they're all from anime I've been watching recently (I watched Madoka fairly recently)

I'll make more blog posts once I have more photos and have other cosplays :D

1 comment:

  1. I'm planning on cosplaying Azusa as well! I was wondering which ebay shop was it you bought your wig from? I'm trying to find a nice Azusa wig. I've been looking around a lot but I don't want to buy something without checking with someone who owns one first... ^^


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